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Alien Collector's Homeworld Forum Index
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  Topic: Aliens Set Thing
PFC Hudson

Replies: 10
Views: 36803

PostForum: All Things Aliens   Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 9:30 pm   Subject: Well what d'yu want?!
C'mon, hit me with your best shot!

So things've been pretty slow here since I last showed my ugly face, I gather?

Let's see whatcha got, Jet!

Catch ya later!
  Topic: Aliens Set Thing
PFC Hudson

Replies: 10
Views: 36803

PostForum: All Things Aliens   Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 9:28 pm   Subject: Aliens Set Thing
What do I need to do, c'mon, hit me with your best shot!

You want me to go one with my dearly held crackpot theory about the origin of everyone's favorite acid blooded creatures on the space jockey ...
  Topic: Aliens Set Thing
PFC Hudson

Replies: 10
Views: 36803

PostForum: All Things Aliens   Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2003 11:23 pm   Subject: Ya want me to prove it, eh?
First of all, I got the account back, now didn't I?

You *chicks*, always raising a stink about something or other! Razz

Anyways, rigorous tests, you say?

Bring it on, I say!
  Topic: an alien convention?
PFC Hudson

Replies: 14
Views: 50636

PostForum: All Things Aliens   Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2002 3:49 pm   Subject: an alien convention?
You can check her out on, or do a search, absolutely gorgeous. She was Daena in Planet of the Apes (the new one with Mark Wahlberg, the slave girl, not the ape!) And I also have to subm ...
  Topic: an alien convention?
PFC Hudson

Replies: 14
Views: 50636

PostForum: All Things Aliens   Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2002 3:35 pm   Subject: an alien convention?
Estella Warren, guys, Estella Warren oughta be Newt.

Oh god, synchronized swimming never looked so good....
  Topic: My thoughts on Alien 5
PFC Hudson

Replies: 11
Views: 41644

PostForum: All Things Aliens   Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2002 3:32 pm   Subject: My thoughts on Alien 5
That's what I've been saying for years! And it's not only the ALIEN and PREDATOR series, we've gotta have a good movie where the bad guys win.

Also, as a side note, it's great to see another old ...
  Topic: My thoughts on Alien 5
PFC Hudson

Replies: 11
Views: 41644

PostForum: All Things Aliens   Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2002 6:18 pm   Subject: My thoughts on Alien 5
I still think an ALIEN prequel/sequel kind of deal would be great, have the movie be almost two parts, a la 2001, the first part being the alien's home planet, which would basically be one big Giger p ...
  Topic: Favourite lines from alien movies?
PFC Hudson

Replies: 13
Views: 46565

PostForum: All Things Aliens   Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2002 6:00 pm   Subject: Favourite lines from alien movies?
I'll have to take this one,

In order I'd say:

Boggs or Rains (it was in the tunnels with the candles and Golic, for the life of me, I can't remember which's Boggs, and which's Rai ...
  Topic: Here are the answers
PFC Hudson

Replies: 4
Views: 19585

PostForum: All the rest   Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2002 11:11 am   Subject: Kevin Smith quotes
Hey Yoj,

You a big Kevin Smith fan? You quoted Clerks, so you'd better be a real fan, not one of those people who only discovered him after he went mainstream,
  Topic: Can't see any new posts...
PFC Hudson

Replies: 1
Views: 11718

PostForum: All Things Aliens   Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2002 11:02 am   Subject: Can't see any new posts...
Hey guys,

I'm having a little problem with seeing recent posts since I registered as a user. I only see posts prior to the last time I posted. Does anyone know how to fix this?
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